Sample Resolution Templates

A Resolution urging the U.S. government to call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (simple version)

Whereas all life is precious,

Whereas more than one thousand Israelis and more than fifteen thousand Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in a matter of weeks of fighting,

And whereas Gaza is in a dire humanitarian crisis that is getting worse as the fighting continues,

Therefore be it resolved that the City Council of XX/State Assembly of YY 

Calls on the Biden administration to support an immediate ceasefire regarding Gaza, 

Calls on the administration to facilitate unimpeded humanitarian relief to the territory, 

Calls on the administration to make it clear that further displacement of Palestinians from Gaza is unacceptable, and

Calls on parties to respect international law.

A Resolution urging the U.S. government to call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (elaborate version)

Whereas, from October 7, 2023 till today armed violence has taken the lives of 1,200 Israelis and internationals present in Israel with over 200 being taken hostage, and more than 14,000 Palestinians, and wounded tens of thousands more; and

Whereas, United Nations humanitarian experts have declared that in Gaza “nowhere and no one is safe,” and therefore hundreds of thousands of lives remain at risk if a ceasefire is not achieved and Gaza is immediately and fully opened to humanitarian assistance; and

Whereas, all human life is equally precious,

Therefore be it resolved that the City Council of XX/State Assembly of YY

Calls on the Biden administration and other parts of the United States government to immediately call for a ceasefire by all sides in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories to end the current violence; and

Calls on the Biden administration urgently to facilitate the opening of Gaza to humanitarian assistance including water, food, medical supplies, electricity, and fuel, and to facilitate the unhindered entry of humanitarian aid and medical workers, while ensuring that no Palestinians will be dispossessed of or prevented from returning to their home.